Cranmore 7. A modern classic.
This latest range from Charnwood Stoves takes inspiration from the Regency era. The Cranmore 7 Wood Burning Stove is the largest in the range, it has a single framed glass door and classic detailing. Its large picture window is an ideal replacement for an open fire. This feature also gives a captivating view of the flames. With pleasing proportions, the Cranmore is well suited to a traditional fireplace. The Charnwood Cranmore 7 also looks at home in a freestanding situation.
The Cranmore 7 uses Charnwood clean burn Blu technology. As a result, you can expect excellent efficiency from this 7KW appliance. The Cranmore 7 has a ClearSkies level 5 rating. It exceeds Eco Design standards and is also DEFRA approved for use in smoke control areas.
Available in a range of colours, the Cranmore also features a cool-to-touch handle. This aids safe and easy refuelling.
Added to this, the Cranmore is simple to operate. It has one single air control and features a sliding firebed for clean and easy ash removal.
For those looking for similar styling but with less power, the Cranmore 5 is an excellent alternative.

Key Features.
- 7KW Wood Burning Stove
- SIA Eco Design Ready
- Cleanburn Airwash Technology
- Quattroflow® Air Management System
- Drop down throat plate enabling the chimney to be swept through the stove
- DEFRA exempt for burning wood in smoke control areas
- Exceeds new Eco Design standards
- Meets the UK building requirements for installation with a 12mm non-combustible hearth
- Sliding firebed for clean and easy ash removal